Friday, June 28, 2013

Made it to Lincoln, Nebraska late afternoon yesterday after battling through horrendous storms for the last two days.
 3.2 today before the winds started howling.  I got to stop off in Illinois and Iowa for a short spell.  I wasn't expecting much coming to the mid west but I have been very surprised by the beauty of this part of the country.  Mostly flat with meandering rivers cutting through black soil and miles of corn gridded off in perfect squares.  And the people are the most friendly yet (better then Massachusetts of course... you're welcome Glenda!), just kind good old folks from the heartland who love baseball, miller lite and corn. And big! I mean big folks and not on the fat side just BIG! There is some truth in being a corn fed son of a @#$&#.  I love being surprised like this.  
Counting the days till I get to meet Wells Christopher Allen.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Third nephew out in the world and ready to sew the seeds of chaos!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

2.1 today. Forecast for Kalamazoo is not looking good so off I go tomorrow for a grueling 8 hour flight to beautiful...... Lincoln, Nebraska!!  Shit.

Monday, June 24, 2013

8.2 today and I'm in Kalamazoo, MI.  Lonely day and I spent most of it with the photographer... Says a lot.  Storms a brewing off the lake.
Side note Allens look good in trucks.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Made it to LORAIN CO RGNL in Ohio trying to get to Kalamazoo but weather stopped me short and I am very thankful.  
Chris Ericson, like a super hero, swept in to Lorain airport and picked me up.  This is the friend who flew to Oregon, jumped in a Jeep Comanche and drove across the country with me. I would never expect less.  I'm lucky to have friends like Chris.

Watching the front from my hotel

Friday, June 21, 2013

Next cross country tomorrow.  No rest for the wicked.
8.2 yesterday and ended up in Greenwood Lake, New York right before 7 pm.  Got greeted by a the owner of the FBO, Tim with the typical New Jersey/New York (still not sure which state the airport was in) accent and attitude.  He was a live wire and was loving the fact I had no idea where I was, where I was staying and how I was getting to said place.  After about 30 minutes of picking through taxi companies that wouldn't come get me I gave up and said I was just going to walk.  "what are you nuts, you ain't walking... Dammit get in the truck I'm already in trouble with the lady anyway." So despite the barrage of shit,Tim gave me a ride to the Sea Breeze Inn right on the lake with a bar on the water.  Not a bad way to end a day like that. I left him $10 dollars under the door this morning at 5:30 am for the ride.
3.0 today and I am in Altoona, PA waiting on the 100 hour maintenance to be done. Maybe leave tomorrow maybe Monday but all i know is I don't have the photographer around and I am going to get some much needed sleep.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

6.2 today.  
Question of the day, which is harder flying a helicopter or taking photos of houses?  I know someone who think the latter.

Monday, June 17, 2013

First cross country coming up Thursday, I will probably end up in Quebec.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

7.5 hours today. 
Three ways I know I am getting old.
#1 my hip really hurts.
#2 I love my nose hair trimmers. It's like a little Swedish person is massaging the inside of my nose. 
#3 my big toe hurts and I have no idea why.

Friday, June 14, 2013

KEWB 141553Z 03013G23KT 10SM FEW029 

I am learning we need mild weather for our low and slow flying. As a CFI these were double conditions.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

"I swear it's a miracle these things even fly, in all practicality we should just be tumbling towards the ground right now." 

- Best way to get a solicitous look from your photographer
My cousin David Hills writings about gambling and shenanigans

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I think I set the bar to high for my bad weather days, surfing with Jared Winters.  Family away from family.  Friends like this are what give this journey depth, spectacular unknown vision and laughter you only find in that freedom of snorting without even knowing you did.

Also, if you look at his hand on my shoulder he gets to punch you in the shoulder.

Day three 6 a.m. and we sit.  3,000 foot ceilings  and sunny but winds are gusting close to 30 so for now we wait.  The anticipation of getting back up in the air is astounding and only compounded by the four walls of the grubby yet cozy Moby Dick Motel.  Coffee, smokes and yoga for breakfast.  
If the day gets chalked up to bad winds off I go to Horse neck beach to have a afternoon surf session thanks to the good folk of Extremely Board surf shop and Hoyt letting me borrow a wet suit.  I promised I would not urinate in it but there are only two types of people in this world; people who pee in wet suits and people who lie.  So I wait.
I am an F.B.I Agent!
Johnny Utah

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Mass hole put this up
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return - Leonardo da Vinci or so they say

I have found a rare working artifact at my motel the Moby Dick.

6.10.13 Day 1: New Bedford Cape. Flat and the town looks like the set Gone Baby Gone.